about ZX81 WEB-RING

ZX81-Web-Ring's main goal is to support the ZX81 fan-community with information about activities for our favorite personal computer and his clones.

Therefore I'm collecting URL's of ZX81 related web-sites for easy surfing.
The ZX81 FAQ and ABC... shall answer your questions and help you finding the information you are looking for.

The ZX81 mailing list is one of the last active user groups for zeddy.
To share the information distributed since october 96, I have added the mailing list archives.

I hope you will be pleased, seeing a living computer and his friends!
For more information, corrections and suggestions of improvement please email!

In mind: ZX81 CD-ROM!
When this ZX81-Web-Ring will be running with less help, shouldn't we think about publication of a ZX81-CD-ROM??
ZX-TEAM has a CD-ROM for members only, because it contains the first eight volumes of ZX-TEAM-MAGAZIN.

Do you want to become a member of ZX81 WEB-RING?
It's simple to join: just send an email with the URL of your ZX81 related web-site together with a brief discription and add the URL of this site: http://www.zx81.de/webring and the ZX81-webring logo to your page or include the complete unzipped files from the downloaded zx81_wbr.zip to your homepage. The start-url is zx81_wbr.htm.


jan 99: ZX81-Web-Ring was founded by Peter Liebert-Adelt (member of ZX-TEAM)
feb 99: added mailing list attachments